Course Description

For early-stage researchers, a very important change taking place in scholarly publishing is the increased popularity and importance being given to open access publishing. This model of publishing has helped researchers increase the visibility of their research for a wide audience of researchers. Open Access and Open Science are increasingly critical for all key stakeholders pursuing or facilitating research as many agencies are making publication of research mandatory.

In this course, we will focus on the key reasons for the development of open access publishing, how researchers can differentiate between the different models or green, gold, and hybrid journals. We will also focus on the different copyright policies under open access publishing and their relevance for researchers. At the end of the course, early-stage researchers and students will have increased understanding of the following:

  1. Importance of open access publishing
  2. Open science and data sharing
  3. Open access repositories and associations
  4. Ethical challenges of open access publishing

ex-COO, Ingenta, and ex-General Manager, Kudos

Ms. Louise Russell

With more than 15 years experience in publishing, Ms. Russell has played the crucial role as  the ex-SVP, Scholarly Division at Ingenta. Whilst at Ingenta, she was also instrumental in developing platforms such as the Ingenta Connect and pub2web. As an (ex-) General Manager at Kudos, she was part of the core team that launched the platform in 2013.  She was also the Chair of Professional Development Committee, ALPSP, and consulted for BMJ, F1000, and Kudos.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Open Science and Open Access (English)

    • Chapter 1: Introduction (Text + Audio)

    • Chapter 2: Open Science and Open Data (Text + Audio)

    • Chapter 3: Open Access or Not Open Access? (Text + Audio)

    • Chapter 4: Open Access Repositories and Associations (Text + Audio)

    • Chapter 5: Advancing Scientific Communication through Open Access Publishing (Text + Audio)

    • Chapter 6: Sharing Research Findings in Open Access (Text + Audio)

    • Chapter 7: Ethical Challenges of Open Access Publishing (Text + Audio)

    • Open Science and Open Access - Quiz

Open Science and Open Access (English)